
Supernatural: God X Horseman!Reader

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I glared over at my partner, whose eye burned with defiance and little remorse. I grit my teeth, and the archangel in my hold gave a light tug at my hair.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, picking up on the mood almost instantly. I looked down into his emerald eyes, giving his black locks a little stroke.

“Nothing, Michael. Just go on up to your room, your Father and I need to have a little chat, okay?”

“Okay, but can I please have some ice cream after you've had a chat?” Michael asked, his six little wings trembling with anticipation at the thought of the sugary treat. Despite my anger, I chuckled, and nodded.

“Of course Sweetheart, now off you go. I’ll call you when I need you.”

“Okay! Love you.”

“I love you to, Sweetheart.” With that, I set the archangel down and he went running off to his room. When I heard the door open and close, I turned onto my soul mate, gaze hardening when I saw what was in his arms.

“I cannot believe you, God.” I seethed, trying to keep my voice even so as not to alert Michael we were arguing. “What have you got in your arms?”

“He’s called Lucifer, and he’s an archangel.” I looked down at the being in God’s arms. He glowed brighter than Michael, and he gave me a dazzling smile. My heart softened at the sight of the fledgling, and I ran a hand though his hair.

“God, you shouldn’t create without me. I am Life, and I kindly gave you the ability to give life to others, but not without my permission. You can’t go about making powerful beings left, right and centre. You won’t be able to control them all, and they will all end up getting hurt.” I snapped, and my mate frowned.

“Life, trust me, I know what I am doing.” God soothed, but it only served to infuriate me further.

“You don’t know what your doing. I know you like children, but they won’t be children forever. Look at the Leviathan. You made those without me, and look what happened. We had to lock them up. Michael will be extremely strong when he is older, and I only helped you to create him because I thought one being wouldn’t hurt.”

“One more won’t!”

“If you keep saying that, we’ll end up with thousands of archangels, who may rebel against us or other species. You still can’t create things properly, anyway! Look, he’s different Michael, he’s brighter.”

“Because I made him on my own, and I wanted to show everyone that by making him the brightest archangel there is.” God snapped back, placing Lucifer down into a crib.

“I cannot believe this.” I mumbled, resting my head in my hands. “I trusted you with some of my power, and you repay me by going behind my back? You promised not to create anything without me.”

“I knew you’d react like this, that’s why.”

“Because I know the dangers of creation.” God sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I’m not sorry.” I felt tears finally begin to prick my eyes, the hurt spreading into my heart as my anger disappeared and turned into disappointment.

“You never are sorry.” I whispered, looking away. “I’m taking Michael out again. Have fun with Lucifer. When he grows up, and things go wrong, don’t blame me.”

“Where are you going?” God called as I left the room.

“My brother’s house.” I replied, before turning to face my mate. “Don’t come looking for me and Michael, because we aren’t coming back tonight.”

“Fine by me.” He muttered, turning back to Lucifer. I sighed, before going up to Michael’s room.

“Hey, Michael?” I called, looking into Michael’s room. The archangel looked up at me from his drawing, a large smile on his face.

“Is it time for ice cream?” He asked eagerly, and I shook my head.

“No Sweetheart, not yet. Pack some spare clothes and whatever you want to take to a sleepover. We are staying at my brother’s house tonight.” Michael squealed and jumped up, racing over to his wardrobe and grabbing some robes.

“I’m going to show Uncle War my new sword moves!” Michael cried, and I laughed, though on the inside I still felt like crap. My soul mate, the one who was always on my side, had just betrayed me. I didn’t know how to react. This had been our first fight, and though it hadn’t been very vocal I still felt awful.

“Is Father coming?”

“No, he’s not. He’s staying here with Lucifer.” I replied, and Michael looked sadly up at me.

“Does he not love me anymore?” Michael asked, and I frowned, kneeling down next to him.

“Of course he does, it’s just that… Well, younger beings need more care until they gain independence. You’re a big boy now, and don’t need as much looking after. That doesn’t mean you father loves you any less. When Lucifer is big, you will be able to spend more time with your father.” Michael gave me a smile, and I held my arms out. The archangel hugged me, kissing my cheek.

“I’ll go get my things!” He said, before racing around his room. I sighed, but kept the smile on my face so as not to alert Michael of my feelings. It was days like these where I wished my soulmate would be a lot less stubborn.

“Life!” War greeted me at his door, wrapping me in a tight hug. All my worried faded for
a moment, and I laughed, hugging my brother back.


“And Michael!” I chuckled as Michael made his presence known, pulling on War’s trousers. “Uncle War, I’ve been working on my sword moves, can I show you them?”

“Of course.” War smiled, leaning to pick up Michael up. Michael threw his arms around the horseman’s neck, kissing his cheek.

“Father says I will need a bigger sword soon because I’m growing stronger.”

“I’ll make you one, don’t worry.” War promised, kissing Michael’s head. “C’mon, let’s go and say hello to my brothers, then you can show me what you have learnt. Life, you coming?”

“Of course.” I said, closing the door and following War into the living room. Pestilence, Famine and Death were sitting in there, and all had mild looks of surprise on their faces at seeing me and Michael. I was greeted by all of them with a hug, but as soon as War left with Michael I was being hounded with questions by Pestilence.

“What’s wrong? What’s happened? You aren’t ill, so what’s getting you down?”

“Pestilence, maybe if you’d let her speak, she’d tell you.” Death cut in, and I gave my twin a  grateful smile.

“It’s God.”

“Has he upset you? I’ll murder him!” Famine cried, trying to stand. Pestilence pushed him back into his chair, and wrapped an arm around me in support.

“What happened, Life?” He asked gently, kissing my cheek. I looked into his green eyes, and leaned my body against his, feeling the terrible feeling seep back into my body.

“H-He made something, a being, without my consent or input.” I said quietly, feeling my body begin to tremble again. “We got into a bit of a fight over it, and I just… I needed a break for a night. That’s why I came here. I needed to get away.”

“How bad did it get?” Famine asked, and I shrugged.

“Not that big. It was mostly hushed arguing because Michael was just upstairs, and I got out before we started chucking stuff.” Death sighed, and I could tell he was thinking about something deeply.

“I shall have a word with God. He’ll go creation crazy if we don’t nip things in the bud now, and then his sister will become agitated; you know she got annoyed when the Leviathan and we were created.” I looked down at my hands, which were intertwined together.

“It’s not even God creating Lucifer that I’m annoyed at any more. I’m more and angry and disappointed that my mate, my husband went behind my back and created something without my knowledge. That he couldn’t trust me or valued my opinion on the matter.” I explained, tears beginning to fall. “I’m scared he’ll be angry at me despite me not doing anything, and of facing him again.”

“Life, you have nothing to worry for. Even though he won’t admit it, he will feel the same as you feel now. He will be looking back on this argument, cursing himself and maybe you for a little while. But as you said, you two are soulmates, destined to be together. He won’t be mad at you for long, and will be waiting for you when you get home. You just need hug it out, and talk things through, and things will be fine again.” Death advised, and I looked over to him. He smiled. “Trust me, Life. When have I been wrong before?”

“… Well there was that time that Famine-“

“Okay, so maybe once. But I’m the one with the best advice.” Death cut in, and I smiled.

“You guys always manage to cheer me up.” I said, and all three brothers smiled.

“That’s what we are here for.”

After a couple of hours, War walked into the living room with Michael curled up on his shoulder. He placed Michael in my arms, and the archangel instinctively curled up to me, sighing in his sleep.

“He’s going to be a great warrior some day.” He whispered, kissing my cheek. I smiled with pride down at the archangel.

“I know… I’ll probably go home now… I feel better after coming here.” I decided, kissing Michael’s head. War read my mind to what happened earlier, and he gave me a wink.

“Go show him who’s boss, sis.” He murmured, kissing my cheek. “I’ll beat him up for you if he upsets you again.”

“You could try.” I replied, standing. Pestilence stood to, wrapping me in a warm hug.

“Just give us the word if you need us more, we’ll all come and help you.”

“Thank you.” After goodbye hugs and kisses, I left my brother’s house feeling lighter and happier than I did arriving, and I looked down at Michael, my heart skipping a beat.

“Let’s get you home.” I whispered, running a hand through Michael’s hair. “No matter what else God creates, you’ll always be my favourite.”

That night, God was sitting in the living room holding Lucifer in his arms. When I appeared in front of him, he raised an eyebrow, thought there was no anger in his eyes. It was obvious he’d been crying, and I gave him one last look before going up to Michael’s room and putting him in bed.

“Goodnight, archangel. I love you.”

“… Love you to.” He mumbled, sleepily giving me a lazy smile before slipping back into sleep. I then walked over into my room, where God was waiting for me.

“Life.” He murmured, holding his arms out for me. I held strong, crossing my arms over my chest. I imagined what each of my brothers would say, and pulled on their courage. I could have this conversation.

“God.” I replied, holding his gaze. He ran a hand through his hair, looking sheepish.

“I’m, er… Sorry about my earlier behaviour… It was irrational, and, er… I’m glad you decided to come back.” He said, and sighed, unimpressed with his apology.

“You’re not actually sorry.” I snapped, before taking a breath. We wouldn’t solve this with shouting. “I don’t want an apology if it’s not genuine. That would mean you are lying to me, and I don’t want that.”

“… Okay.” He murmured, looking up at me. “I’m really not sorry for the decisions I made in making Lucifer, but I am sorry for making you feel bad earlier, and that’s the truth. I love you, you are my wife, and I did the worst thing I could possibly do. I pushed you out the house. Now, I can’t promise not to create anymore. I can’t promise to always agree with you. But I can promise to try and make you as happy as possible, and to not push you out of the house like I did today.”

I looked into his blue eyes, and relaxed my posture. He was telling the truth, and though it wasn’t the best situation ever, I knew that it was halfway, and I knew I’d forgive him.

“I forgive you.” I said, finally falling into his arms. “Not for creating, but for everything else.”

“Thank you.” God whispered, kissing my cheek. “I love you, so much.”

“I love you to, despite how much you frustrate me.” I replied, smiling up at my husband. I kissed his lips, and he kissed back, gently running his fingers through my hair. I moaned, deepening the kiss and running my hands over God’s shoulders and feeling how powerful and solid he was beneath me.

“Let me show you how much I love you.” He murmured, pressing our foreheads together. I chuckled, moving back. God looked at me in confusion.

“We have two archangels in the house. If one of them calls out, or Michael walks in on us, we would have a lot of explaining to do.” I said, getting into our bed and settling down. God sighed, lying next to me.


“It was your idea to be a father.”

“I didn’t think it would be such hard work.” I rolled my eyes at his words. “Life?”


“I-I know you think Lucifer wasn’t a good idea, but you’ll help me look after him, won’t you?” I gave him an are-you-serious-look.

“Of course I will! I’ll love him as I love Michael, even though I still think it was a bad idea creating him.” I said, and my husband wrapped his arms around me, kissing my neck.

“I love you. You’re the strongest being I’ve ever met, and also one of the most beautiful. You’re perfect.”

“As are you.” I replied, kissing his cheek. “I love you to.”
This is a request from Antaurilover97, and I hope you like it! I'm sorry it took longer than I thought to submit it, hopefully the next one won't take as long!
© 2017 - 2024 SophieLeighBroome
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Antaurilover97's avatar
I fangirled when i saw this as a new thing for me than i laughed at the Horsmen and than Naaaaaawed.